Monday, November 30, 2009

LEX and YACC or C Standard Library Practical Tips


Author: John R Levin

Shows programmers how to use two UNIX utilities, lex and yacc, in program development. The second edition contains completely revised tutorial sections for novice users and reference sections for advanced users. This edition is twice the size of the first, has an expanded index, and covers Bison and Flex.

Interesting textbook: eBay For Dummies or The Screenwriters Bible

C++ Standard Library Practical Tips

Author: Greg Rees

C++ Standard Library Practical Tips provides quick, easy-to-use solutions to common programming problems. The tips are grouped by topics including, lists, deques, vectors, text processing, numerical algorithms, numerical processing, and containers, with titles that describe the programming problems they solve, not the techniques they use, so programmers can quickly look up a solution when a problem is encountered. Topics covered include using the right container, removing excess memory, initializing a map with specified values, and using a function in an algorithm. To demonstrate the use of the tips in practical application, the book concludes with a capstone project about digital image processing and, in particular, image enhancement. This application demonstrates the power of the Standard Library as it graphically illustrates how just a few lines of Standard Library code can produce major changes in the appearance of an image. The project starts with a brief introduction to digital image processing and enhancement, then it moves on to an examination of the C++ code that actually contains the black-and-white photograph. Next, it demonstrates the use of the tips through functions that create or modify images. For each function, the book shows two images, one before and one after the processing, and then shows and explains the code with references to the tips the code uses. The companion CDROM includes all the source code and programs from the book, as well as a Borland C++ compiler.
* Provides a practical, easy-to-use reference to the C++ Standard Library filled with common programming solutions
* Shows the practical application of the Standard Library, as opposed to just explaining how the library works
* Covers a variety of topics, from general principles of Standard Library programming to text strings to vectors and numeric algorithms
* Provides quick answers to common programming problems such as constructing a container filled with different values, getting a C-style array from a vector, splicing lists, modifying a value in a set, freezing an argument of a function object, copying strings and substrings, stripping white space, and performing arithmetic on containers
* Includes a CD-ROM with all of the source code and programs from the book, as well as a Borland C++ compiler

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The C++ Standard Library
Chapter 2: The Standard Template

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