Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oracle PL SQL or Pro Web 20 Mashups

Oracle PL/SQL: Expert Techniques for Developers and DB Admin

Author: Lakshman Bulusu

Welcome aboard the first book focusing exclusively on PL/SQL techniques, through Oracle 11g. These techniques are tried-tested-true, yet do not compromise performance. You'll find coverage of all types of scenarios, starting from design to coding and testing to debugging and tuning. PL/SQL is more than just a 3GL sequel to SQL; instead it can be used as a methodology for application development using Oracle. The techniques covered here have a broader scope, in applications ranging from OLTP to OLAP and from data warehousing to business intelligence. The world of PL/SQL is exciting and this book provides a repository of techniques for PL/SQL developers and DBAs alike. This book takes you beyond the existing solutions found in other professional and reference texts or in online documentation. Starting from PL/SQL internals that include PL/SQL program structure, internal representation, compilation, and execution, users are taught PL/SQL concepts and techniques that go way beyond SQL, such as data structure management, error management, data management, application management, and transaction management. It covers the practical "how-to" techniques of applying these PL/SQL concepts in live projects and elaborates on various PL/SQL frameworks, the integration of PL/SQL with Java, and Web-enabling PL/SQL. The last two chapters on PL/SQL tuning and debugging and PL/SQL coding standards contain comprehensive coverage of performance-enhancing techniques and PL/SQL coding standards that can't be found in anywhere else. All techniques include examples and hands-on code, as well as tips and coding standards. The companion CD-ROM includes all the source code for the examples in the book.

Read also The Imperial Presidency or Peak Everything

Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services

Author: Raymond Ye

The modern Web is awash with data and services just waiting to be used, but how do you make effective use of all this information? The answer lies in APIs (such as Google Maps, Flickr, and Amazon Web Services) and remixing, or mashups. Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services teaches you everything you need to create useful, dynamic real-world applications using APIs, web services, Ajax, web standards, and server-side languages. All you need to make full of this book is basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and at least one server-side language (such as PHP or ASP.NET).

Highlights include the following:

  • Looks at the overall shape of today's Web from a developer's point of view--what are its main features, and what is available for us to use to develop applications?
  • Contains real-world examples of creating mashups using all the major APIs.
  • Contains examples written in multiple server-side languages.

What you'll learn

  • Understand how the constituent parts of the modern Web fit together--web standards, Ajax, APIs, libraries, tagging, blogs, wikis, and more.
  • Create different types of mashup, for example mapping mashups, search functionality, calendars, RSS/Atom feeds, social bookmarking, online storage systems, open document formats, and more.
  • Build Web 2.0 applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, server-side languages, APIs, and libraries

Who is this book for?

This book is for any web developer who is already comfortable with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and at least one server-side language and wants to learn how to create Web2.0 applications.

About the Apress Pro Series

The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.

You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard-won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.

Related Titles

Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional

Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax: From Novice to Professional

Building Flickr Applications with PHP

Pro DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs and Libraries

Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform

Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks

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